Mar 19 2013

This month there seems to be something in the air making many of us feel restless at work. Perhaps it is stress. Maybe we are overloaded. Maybe it’s time for a change, for a new challenge and adventure.


This may be the sign and signal that you have been waiting for. Times are tough and the market is harsh so think carefully before making any rash decisions. For those who want to stick at it at least for a while, perhaps some of these pointers will help to re-engage you at work and put you in a better frame of mind for organizing your next move when you are ready:


1. Re-visit your career past and appreciate what you have done to date. What have you achieved, enjoyed, learnt and how did you get to where you are now,


2. Draw out your future goals. Where are you heading and how are you going to get there? Are you networking with the right people? Are you reading the right books? Do you have a coach / guide to help you with your career plan?


3. Audit your daily/monthly schedule. How are you managing your time? Do you have time for things outside of work as well as at work? Re-balance these things to increase energy levels, time efficiency and creativity.


4. Learn about your organisation and find ways to get more involved. What’s going on around you? What’s the company vision and objectives? Can you get more involved? Where can you contribute more?


5. Find areas that you can take charge of. Increase your learning. Seek out opportunities. Who’s ill or leaving? What is the company not doing so well that you can help improve on?


6. Get a mentor / guide. Make sure you are growing, learning, developing. Stay stimulated mentally. Make sure you are progressing towards where you want to go.


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